Every hardwood shingle has attributes that make it special. Whether a builder is searching for a climate-friendly solution, or is more concerned with aesthetic qualities, one may find that some hardwood materials have something to offer in both areas. Wallaba shingles are known for their luxurious presentation and ability to maintain beauty for several decades, but also feature natural qualities that allow them to maintain a timeless aesthetic. Here are a few facets of wallaba that make it a gorgeous shingle choice.
Wallaba is a naturally dense wood found in tropical climates such as Brazil and Ghana. Its brilliant color is characteristic of its tropical heritage and is the reason it has become a staple for its use in beachfront architecture, particularly in resorts. Aside from their vibrant color, these shingles offer extra protection from tropical forces like high winds and excess humidity, making them the perfect roofing material for coastal areas.
While wallaba wood can withstand incredible weather such as category 5 hurricane force winds and its density can protect a structure from moisture damage, its deep rich color may be what keeps it a popular choice among luxury coastal structures. Its heartwood-red color matures into an elegant silver over time, and its premium texture can be detected from a distance.
Wallaba’s versatile beauty is perhaps one of its most exciting qualities. These shingles can fit nearly any aesthetic easily. High-end structures celebrate the classic color and texture, while utilitarian structures flaunt the hardwood’s practicality and efficiency. Because wallaba shingles are relatively lightweight and easy to install, they can be manipulated to fit even the most unique tastes in design. In some locations, you may find homes with various styles of roofing, all with shingles made from this premium wood.
Wallaba roofs are a classic favorite. The wood’s versatility, strength, and combination of beauty and function are unmatched in the world of roofing materials.