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The Natural Properties of Wallaba Roof Shingles

Turada Hardwood Shingles

You may have heard about these particular shingles made from trees that grow in certain tropical forests. However, if you think that wallaba roof shingles are only used for their exotic name and coloring, you’re dead wrong. The density of this wood makes wallaba roofing extremely durable as well as resistant to many forms of decay that affect other materials. For most homes, there’s simply no better choice than wallaba.

There are a number of factors that make these shingles more durable than other types of wooden and even some composite shingles. Because of the wood’s density and the concentration of gum and resin, wallaba is naturally resistant to insects and even fire. This product also stands up to heavy rain and is perhaps the strongest untreated wood available.

The fact that you don’t need to treat wallaba roof shingles makes them environmentally friendly, something more roofing companies are trying to focus on after so many years of using harmful composite panels. This wood is sustainably harvested and is sturdy enough to last a lifetime. Most wooden shingles don’t make it past 20 years whereas untreated wallaba wood can last upwards of 40 years.

This material is ideal for warm and humid climates, as the wood naturally endures excessive moisture and is heavy enough to outlast hurricane-force winds. Aesthetically, wallaba comes in several shades of red, from a light color to a darker, almost purple hue. As the wood ages, it gains a silver sheen that creates a naturally reflective effect; aside from being nice to look at, this also aids in keeping your home cool during the warmer months.

There are many choices when it comes to roofing materials, but wallaba roof shingles are naturally capable of enduring the various hardships that most exterior woods succumb to. Add in the attractive coloring and sustainability, and there’s truly no better choice. To learn more about our Turada Hardwood wallaba shingles contact us!