To wood or not to wood, that is the question. Okay, not really but deciding on the right shingle type for your new roof is important. You could go for the traditional asphalt shingle that everybody has, or you could add a unique touch of tile or wallaba shingles. What is wallaba? It’s a hardwood found in South America. Is wood right for your home? Here are some things to consider.
A shingle is also called a shake, and as with every other option, wood shakes come with pros and cons. Because a wood shingle is natural, it can succumb to outdoor elements more quickly than other materials can. This holds especially true with moisture. If you’ve ever had to deal with wood rot, you know how devastating that can be. Wallaba shingles might not be ideal if you live in the tropics.
Wood shakes are not as fire retardant as asphalt shingles are, either. This being said, they are coated to make them fire safe and also to protect them against the aforementioned elements alongside insect damage. Don’t let the cons fool you, though. Many people select wood shingles because when installed by experienced roofers, they can give your roof color and depth you never thought imaginable.
Wood shakes also insulate your home better in the summer and the winter. In the summer, the wood expands and breathes, which keeps the indoors cooler. In the winter, the wood contracts to keep the inside warmer. The material itself, if purchased from a sustainable mill, causes less harm to the environment. Asphalt shingle manufacturing and disposal is harmful to the environment.
Finally, wallaba shingles offer a variety of colors, grains, and other aesthetics that give your roof and thereby your home greater curb appeal. Value is everything in your investment, and these shakes increase your home’s value exponentially. They are worth their initial investment, especially if you wish to sell your home in the near future.